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Unit 8: Job Application Portfolio (Assignment 2)

Recruitment and Selection Process

Laboratory Administrator

Sainsbury’s is a large supermarket chain based in the UK which employs over 180,000 people in a wide variety of roles. One of the roles advertised at the time of creating this portfolio was ‘Laboratory Administrator’ supporting the department responsible for food development and quality. This is a portfolio of recruitment documents created for a recruitment activity at Sainsbury’s for the role of laboratory administrator.


  1. Job Analysis

  2. Job Description

  3. Person Specification

  4. Job Adverts

  5. Interview Questions

  6. Job Application Form

  7. CV and Letter of Application

  1. Job Analysis

Job Analysis
Laboratory Administrator
Reasons for Vacancy
Resignation/retirement/promotionGrowth of firm
DismissalChange in products
Short term (maternity/sickness etc)Other ......
Required Responsibilities Identified in Department Consultation

Level of Role
Level of education of desired staff member
A Levels
Undergraduate degree
Post graduate degree
Specific qualification ......
Personal skills and attributes
Can work under pressure
Strong Communication
Leadership ability
Negotiation skills
Other ....
Hours Required

2. Job Description

Job Description
Job Tittle
Department: Food Innovation and Agriculture
Responsible to: Laboratory Manager
Scope of the Post: You will be supporting a team of six food scientists alongside one other laboratory administrator.
Dealing with customer complaints promptly
Packing and sending samples
Logging samples onto the database
Keeping sample storage well organised
Keeping laboratory clean and tidy
Ordering supplies
Contribute to maintenance of UKAS accreditation
Adhere to health and safety requirements and deal with health and safety issues
Additional tasks set by line management
Salary: Competitive
Date of Issue: 25 February 2021

3. Person Specification

Job Description
Job Title
Qualifications5 GCSEs grade A* - CScience degree
ExperienceLaboratory experienceMicrobial, chemical or biochemical laboratory experience

Experience in food science laboratory
SkillsExcellent organisational skills

Excellent written English

Strong ICT skills
Ability to construct and adapt databases

Evidence of working under pressure

Dealing with conflict

Able to work to own initiative.

4. Job Adverts

Sainsbury’s have generic advertising graphics for their recruitment processes which lead people to their job page on their website. This is an example of one of their generic advertisements on the left. Once on their job page, applicants can learn about the different departments at Sainsburys and explore the opportunities in departments that suit their preferences.

The role of Laboratory Administrator was found in the section ‘Food innovation and Agriculture’. By clicking on the role, you can find the job description, person specification and the link to the application form.

Sainsburys also advertise their job vacancies on a range of recruitment agency websites. These agencies provide information on the job role, required qualifications and experience, location and salary. All sites redirect interested applicants back to the Sainsburys website to apply for the role.

This an advert for Laboratory Administrator on Restless.Co.Uk. Sainsburys also advertise some of their positions on LinkedIn but this particular role was not advertised there.

The adverts I created for the role of Laboratory Administrator are below. The one on the left is the one I created before receiving feedback. The advert on the right is the one I created after feedback. I would place this advert on social media sites including the Sainsburys Facebook page and LinkedIn. I would also place it in the job sections of news websites and across a range of recruitment agencies.

5. Interview Questions

Interview Questions

Laboratory Administrator

Based on the assumption that one hour will be available for the interview, I have written 6 questions with the opportunity for discussion at the end.


  1. Tell me about yourself

  2. Why are you interested in a career in food science?

  3. What would you say are the key developments in the food science industry and how do you see them changing in the future?

  4. If you were responsible for the health and safety of the lab, what would you put in place? Why?

  5. Tell us about a time when you have dealt with a complaint from a customer/client.

  6. Where do you see your role in relation to your colleagues?

6. Application Form

Personal Information
Name: Teresa MonaghanDate of birth: 01/06/1981
111 Liverpool Road
L11 11L
Phone: 0151 112 2223
Email address:
Position Applying for: Laboratory Administrator
Work Experience
Job Title: Laboratory Technician
Start date:
Employer Name and contact details:
Green Food Technologies
Liverpool Industrial Estate
Phone: 0151 222 3333
Final Salary: £25,000 per annum
End date:
Reason for Leaving: N/A
Main responsibilities:
Preparing resources, ordering materials and equipment, preparing samples and maintaining cleanliness.
Job Title: Food Manufacturing Trainee
Start date:
Employer name and contact details:
The Garden Company Ltd
The Albert Dock
Liverpool, L1 111
Phone: 0151 333 4444
Final salary: £17,000 per annum
End date:
Reason for leaving:
Opportunity for a more senior role at Green Food Technologies
Main responsibilities:
Managing stocks of raw materials, following procedures for food manufacture, cleaning production line and maintain health and safety.
Job Title: Kitchen Porter
Start date:
Employer name and contact details:
Toby Carvery
Queens Drive
Liverpool, L25 111
Phone: 0151 555 6666
Final Salary: £8 per hour
End date:
Reason for leaving: Permanent position related to degree at The Garden Company
Main responsibilities:
Preparing vegetables, washing dishes and making starters.
Date fromDate toInstitutionQualification achieved
20132016University of LiverpoolChemistry BSc (hons) 2:1
20112013Liverpool Community CollegeBTEC Level 3 Diploma in Food Science and Nutrition
20092011St Julie’s High SchoolA Levels in Chemistry, Biology and Physics
20072009St Julie’s High School9 GCSEs A* - C
NameJennifer LopezNameZac Efron
CompanyGreen Food TechnologiesCompanyThe Garden Company
RelationshipCEO of CompanyRelationshipFood Scientist (line manager)
Contact detailsJLO@GreenFood.comContact

7. CV and Letter of Application

CV for Teresa Monaghan

Letter of Application for Teresa Monaghan